Friday, March 27, 2009

In the Hands of God - a mini church planting lesson

At our last Hope Springs staff meeting, Ben led us in devotions and brought out some very interesting points from Nehemiah about church planting. Since I cannot remember for sure which was the Holy Spirit speaking to me or that which Ben mentioned, I am just going to mention some of the things that I have noticed from the book of Nehemiah – to God be the glory!

The Call (Neh 1:2-3)
Henry Blackaby in his popular book “Experiencing God” mentions that God’s revelation of a need is His invitation (or call) to join Him in the work He plans to do. In this passage, Nehemiah inquires about the city Hanani and some of his friends come from. He is made aware of the need and his heart is filled with compassion – so much so it drives him to prayer about that city. In that prayer, he accepts responsibility for the sin that has taken place. In closing, he asks for divine favor from those who he works for.

I see this as the first initial call to plant a church or do anything for the Lord, it begins with revelation of needs, followed by compassion, that leads to intercessory prayer, and permission from superiors to do something about it. Nehemiah recognized that permission is a result of God’s divine favor.

The Ministry Plan (Neh 2:4-8)
The king responds to Nehemiah’s request by inquiring, “What is it you want?” (v. 4). Nehemiah doesn’t have time to go into his prayer closet and pray a lengthy prayer, instead he prays – what I would imagine is – a prayer of desperation. “Oh God, what do I say?!”

Nehemiah asks, “Send me to the city…” His leadership naturally asks for his ministry plan (How long will it take…? etc.) Nehemiah then presents his list of needs: a letter of approval to empower him to do the work; a request for resources for both the ministry and his residence (v.8). And because God’s hand was upon him, leadership granted his request. Along with these things, leadership sent with him a leadership team (v. 9). What is interesting about this is that king Artaxerxes gave without asking for anything in return. What was Artaxerxes motivation? You know what? I don't know, but what if Nehemiah didn't have the boldness to ask? We have to give people the opportunity to give to God's work and entrust them to the promises of God that He rewards those who give generously.

Opposition to the Plan (Neh 2:10, 19; 4:2-3)
Jesus said, “I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.” That tells me that whenever Jesus is building His church there is opposition against it. In fact Jesus warns us if all men speak well of us (Luke 6:26). We must have a holy boldness and determination as a church planter or minister of Christ to finish the race marked out before us.

The Plan is Delegated (2:17; 3:1-32)
If at first you don't succeed, delegate it. In reality, the work God calls us to is designed to be too great for human hands. Again, Henry Blackaby brings this out in “Experiencing God.” God’s desire is for us to personally know Him as the God of – whatever it is you need. if you need healing – He is the God who heals us; if we need provision – He is Jehovah Jireh…etc. He is the One who plants and grows His church. God’s representation of Himself on earth is not a single person but it is a body of many members whose head is Christ. Nehemiah divides the work to be done and establishes leaders over each area. This is God’s plan for work in His kingdom to be accomplished – the effectual working of every member brings increase to the body (Eph 4:16).

Three factors for success involve effort on our part according to the “Life in the Spirit” study notes: the people put their whole heart into the work (4:6); the people were prayerful and watchful as they did the work (4:9); and the people demonstrated courage, determination, and faith when confronted with opposition (4:14).

The Workers Weary (Neh 4:6-12)
It is interesting that the laborers tire at the half way mark (v.6). It is to be expected that weariness will set in even when doing a great work for God. Part of the problem was that there was “so much” garbage in the way. Nehemiah listened to and validated the workers concerns and took appropriate measures. The other part of the problem was with those who “lived near” told them ten times over they needed to be afraid. Nehemiah had to both encourage and respond (v. 14) to their fears. Interestingly when the enemy realized that they were aware of Satan’s schemes (2 Cor 2:11) they left and allowed the work to continue. The Bible says they recognized “God had frustrated” their plan.

Church planting is not promised to be easy work but in it we each have the privilege of seeing God’s hands at work. We willingly place ourselves in the activity of God who is seeking to save that which is lost. Whatever it is that we are called to do; we must seek first His kingdom – I believe that means for His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. So, let us go into all nations and make disciples.

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