Sunday, February 5, 2012

Healing Hands Testimony

Healing Hands Testimony

We are giving God glory for working in us and through us in a new and deeper way. The exciting part of the story happened on Sunday, February 05, 2012. On our way home from church, my wife Nikki starting having a sharp aching pain in her right hand with a feeling that her hand was swollen really big. I noticed that she was in pain so I started to pray for her, but she was certain that her body had no reason for the pain and believed it occurred so we would intercede for someone else. After I prayed, she felt the pain subside a bit, but move to her wrist. I prayed a second time and again it subsided but this time moved to her elbow as a dull ache. I suggested that Nikki lead the prayer and as we prayed the third time and the pain left. We praised God and continued to ask for revelation as to who specifically this was for. We called one of our friends to ask if it was her but she told us she hadn’t been having trouble with her hand.

Later in the day, my cousin called – she rarely calls. She was looking for her mom, my aunt, who is living with my other aunt. I found the number and called them and right away she returned the phone call to her daughter. After her conversation with her daughter, my aunt began to talk about my cousin. She had been suffering with terrible pain in her hands and especially the right hand which felt swollen. As she described what her daughter, my cousin, had been feeling we were amazed at how closely her symptoms matched the person we had prayed for. So afterward I called my cousin back and told her  what had happened and how we had interceded for someone not knowing who it was.  She immediately started to cry and thank God.  She had been at work the night before and her right hand was getting so swollen and she had been in so much pain all she could do was cry to God. She said that earlier, before she called us, the pain had gone away. She knew that God had begun her healing. We rejoiced with her and began to write down the testimony of what God had done. 

As Nikki began to write it out on the computer, our friend called us back and shared with us that she had gone to talk to some of her neighbors and they began to tell of some of their pains. Our friend started to pray healing over them and one of them specifically described the symptoms we had interceded for: a swollen right hand and this lady too proclaimed God’s healing.

All of this is very new and exciting for us, but we are praising God for leading us to go to a conference that taught us some very practical ways that God still moves today in prophecy and healing. If we had not heard that God would actually work this way at that conference we would not even have thought to intercede for someone else. Thank you, God for using my wife and I to touch others and experience Your willingness to heal those who are hurting.

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